Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Growing Post Percent

Question 1
What is a good definition of percent?
A percent is a fraction out of 100

Question 2
How are three fifths (3/5), 3:2, 60% and 0.6 all the same?
If you convert them they all equal the same thing

Question 3
Show 3 different ways to find 35% of 80.
1)80 divided by 100 *35= 28
2)80 divided by 10*3=24
24 plus 4 equals 28
3)35 divided by 100*80=28

Question 4

Find a link to blogs that deal with percentages. Leave a comment behind and add the link with a review
This is a post about percents and chuck noris.

Question 5
The principal announced that 50% of the children in Ms.
Stanzi's class met their reading goal for the month and that 55% of the children in Ms Lowrey's class met their reading goal for the month. Ms Stanzi said that a greater number of her students met their reading goal. Could Ms Stanzi be correct? Why or Why not.

Ms. Stanzi's class has 50% of children who seen their ready goal. 50% is half of a 100%.

Ms. Lowrey's class has a 55% of children that have seen their reading goal for the month. 55% is not half of 100%. What i did was i divided 55 by 2 and it equaled to 27.5 but i think Ms. Stanzi's guess was right.

50% out of 100

Question 6
Use a hundred grid (unit square) to illustrate the following questions. Once you have explained and illustrated what the question means solve it.

a) 16 is 40% of what number?
a) 80

16 / 0.4 = 40
40 / 100 = 0.4

b) What is 120% of 30?

b) 30
120 / 10 = 1.2 30 x 1.2 = 36 36 x 100 = 3600 36000 / 30

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